Mumbai A person travelling from Shirdi to Mumbai allegedly found a cockroach in the daal served in the Vande Bharat train. A passenger named Ricky M Jeswani was travelling from Shirdi to Mumbai by Vande Bharat train. A live cockroach was found in his food, which has reminded people of the bad quality of food in trains. He has lodged a written complaint with the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC).
On micro-blogging platform X, a user posted 3 pictures and 1 video and wrote that a cockroach was found in the daal served in Vande Bharat train. The first picture contains the full details of the complaint by the passenger. Ricky Jeswani wrote in the complaint that a live cockroach was found in the daal served to him. The curd served in the food was also very sour. Also, a dead cockroach was found in the food.
Ricky wrote that this incident has been confirmed by IRCTC manager Narendra Mishra. He told that passengers along with him have also faced this problem in C5 coach on seats number 46, 47, 42 and 52, 57. Ricky also posted a picture of the cockroach found in the lentils.
Apart from this, in the video attached to this post, a boy can be heard complaining to the catering staff about the bad food. In which he is saying that what if cockroaches eat away the stomach of his 80-year-old grandfather? In the clip, a man wearing suit and boots is seen very politely advising the passenger to complain.