On Saturday, July 31, the Mexican actress Vanessa guzman updated his Instagram stories, with the triumph obtained in the bodybuilding contest Vallarta Body Fit, Made in Vallarta Port, Jalisco.
After calling attention to the change in her lifestyle to one more fitness, the artist surprised by announcing that she had managed to win three medals in the categories Open, Masters and Novice.
“Thank you for your support, your displays of affection. I am happy, happy about this experience. I love what I am experiencing and that is the most important thing; The day has come, the moment has come ”, he commented in the captions of his photos.
Similarly, through the images shared by the 45-year-old actress, we can see the turquoise bikini she used, which was adorned with crystals and complemented with maxi diamond earrings.
Two days ago, on July 30, during an interview with the program Ventaneando, the protagonist of telenovelas Adventures in time (2001) and Angel Face (2000) indicated that he hopes to be able to be accredited as professional bodybuilder to be able to represent his country in an upcoming international championship to be held in September. He also reiterated that this does not mean that he is moving away from the screens.
“I clarify that I have not retired as an actress, that my projects continue and that when the right project comes, and that it truly makes me return to television, I will do it with all my passion and taste,” he said.
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