Amy Gutiérrez was very excited and grateful for having had the opportunity to be on stage at the 2021 Heat Awards which was held in the Dominican Republic. After this memorable experience, the singer published a moving message in which she promised that she will always have her country present at all the events she attends.
Through her social networks, the sauce boat shared some images showing how it was her first step through this award, where she wore an outfit by designer Yirko Sivirich inspired by Peruvian motifs.
“This was my first red carpet at the Heat Awards. Thanks to my dear Yirko Sivirich for this beautiful set with Peruvian motifs. I will always take my Peru to every international event I go to“Said the interpreter on her official Instagram account.
Amy Gutiérrez dazzled everyone at the ceremony by performing her song “I don’t know.” “They don’t know the great emotion I felt when I was standing there. Thank you, God ”, added the Peruvian artist.
She was nominated in the category of musical promise, which she lost to JD Pantoja. In this list, the 22-year-old also competed against the Venezuelan Katie angel, Argentina Emilia mernes (former member of the Uruguayan group Rombai), the Puerto Rican ragpicker Juhn, the dominican Jay menez, the urban singer Mora and the Mexican influencer Kenya Os.
Amy Gutiérrez, latest news:
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