Unnao. In a government school in Katra Chetrai village of Gram Panchayat Pan Kunwar Kheda of FQ Block Hilouli of Purva Assembly of Unnao, instead of children, stray animals have camped. Due to the absence of boundary wall in this primary school, stray animals keep creating a ruckus here.
In fact, the primary school located in Katra Chetrai village of Gram Panchayat Pan Kunwar Kheda in Unnao has not had a boundary wall built for many years. The village head took out money from the block to build the boundary wall but the boundary has not been constructed yet. Due to which stray animals make their camp in the school.
According to sources, the boundary of the school has not been built yet and the head master Amit Kumar told the Pradhans many times but whoever becomes the Pradhan only gives assurances and the school is still lying as it is; all the animals go and sit there and gamblers and drunkards also take advantage of the place. Children have difficulty sitting there.
(Report- Rajesh Kumar, Lucknow)