DehradunA Special Investigation Team (SIT) was formed on Monday under the leadership of Dehradun City Superintendent of Police Pramod Kumar to investigate the incident of gang rape of a minor girl at the Inter State Bus Terminal (ISBT) in Uttarakhand’s capital Dehradun.
Dehradun Senior Superintendent of Police Ajay Singh said that this eight-member SIT has been formed to ensure the sensitivity of the case and quality investigation of the case. After the incident of gang rape of a 16-year-old girl in a Uttarakhand Transport Corporation bus on the night of August 12 came to light on Saturday evening, a case was registered at Patel Nagar police station under Section 70 (2) of the Indian Justice Code and Section 5 (G) / 6 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act.
Taking immediate action in this case, the police arrested five accused on Sunday, which included the driver and conductor of the bus used in the crime, besides two drivers of other buses and a cashier of the Transport Corporation.