Despite the resounding success that the premiere of the second season of Luis Miguel, the series, the singer’s fame is being overshadowed because the mother of his children, Aracely Arámbula, has been considering suing him.
The actress is thinking of proceeding legally, since apparently the interpreter would not be fulfilling his obligations as a father.
In an interview with Ventaneando, the Mexican artist’s lawyer, Guillermo Pous, revealed that the singer would not be paying his children’s pension since 2019.
“It is well known that, since the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, Mrs. Aracely Arambula takes full charge of the expenses that are caused for all the activities of your children”, He explained.
He also mentioned that, despite having knowledge of the legal agreements, the interpreter has not assumed his responsibilities.
“We have contact with the man through the lawyer Heredia —his lawyer—. For this reason, there is no absolute truth about the refusal, if you do not find out or omit it, ”he reported.
Finally, the attorney for Aracely Arambula He maintained that, for the moment, the actress is using her savings to cover the expenses of her children, since they have gone through moments of crisis due to the pandemic.
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