Desk. A heartbreaking incident has come to light in Siddharthnagar district of Uttar Pradesh. The husband was struggling for life in the back seat of the ambulance and the private ambulance driver and his companion kept doing shameful acts with his wife in the front seat in the moving vehicle. After taking her out of the vehicle in Basti, the ambulance driver and his companion also tried to rape the woman.
A woman from a village in the Bansi police station area of Siddharthnagar district left for home in an ambulance with her husband and 17-year-old brother on Thursday evening at around 6.30 pm. After travelling for about 20 kilometres, the ambulance driver stopped the vehicle at a petrol pump and told the woman that it was a night time incident and the police checks vehicles on the way. If you sit in the front, the police will not stop the vehicle.
According to the woman, she refused at first but was forced to sit in the front seat after being asked repeatedly. The driver made her brother sit in the back seat. It is alleged that after going some distance, the driver and his companion started molesting the woman. Despite the woman’s repeated refusals, they were not listening. At this, she started shouting, but her voice did not reach outside due to the glass of the car being closed.
However, hearing her scream, her brother sitting in the back seat realized something was wrong and he too started shouting. The ambulance driver and his companions continued to misbehave with the woman for about 150 km. At around 11.30 pm, the ambulance driver stopped the vehicle in the cantonment area of Basti district. After this, they made the woman’s brother sit on the front seat and locked him inside and tried to rape the woman outside. On failing, they removed the oxygen mask of the woman’s husband and threw him out of the vehicle and threw him on the ground. After this, they beat up the woman, took away her jewellery, cash and mobile and also made her brother get out of the vehicle and fled.