In Madhya Pradesh, there was a scuffle in Bhopal bus. At one stop the conductor insists on the additional charge from the boarding passenger. The traveler got extremely angry. He got into a fight with the conductor. A madman struck at once. His fellow passengers tried to save him. But there was no result. After the beating, the passenger got off the bus and left. However, the scenes related to this were recorded in the CCTV footage. The video will go viral.
- The conductor asked for extra charge in the bus
- NCC cadet who attacked the conductor in anger
- The transport department filed a complaint with the police
A man boarded a bus near the Police Headquarters bus stop in Bhopal on Tuesday morning. The ticket to the stop where he had to get off was ten rupees. But the conductor punched the ticket from the first stop and tried to charge another five rupees more. The passenger, who is an NCC cadet, questioned the overcharging. He concluded that there is no point in giving Rs.5 in addition. But the conductor did not give up. He insisted that he should pay five rupees or get down.
The traveler got very angry. He looked at the conductor with that anger. In front of everyone, Chitaka Baadas on a level. But other passengers in the bus tried to stop him. But there was no result. But the passenger got off the bus after hitting the conductor. The conductor ran after that. All this was recorded in CCTV footage. This video is making rounds on social media. Netizens have mixed reactions to this. On the other hand, the transport department approached the police about this action. A police complaint was filed against the passenger. He asked to take action against him.
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