New Delhi. Former trainee IAS Pooja Khedkar has got relief from the Delhi High Court. The High Court has issued a notice to the Delhi Police and sought a reply on the anticipatory bail plea of Pooja Khedkar, who became the face of the UPSC controversy. Now the hearing on Pooja Khedkar’s anticipatory bail will be held on August 21.
Till then, the High Court has stayed the arrest of Pooja Khedkar. Let us tell you that recently, Pooja Khedkar, a former Indian Administrative Service (IAS) trainee officer accused of fraud and wrongly obtaining the benefit of Other Backward Classes (OBC) and Divyang quota, had approached the Delhi High Court for anticipatory bail in the criminal case registered against her.
It is alleged that Pooja Khedkar had allegedly given wrong information in her application for UPSC Civil Services Examination, 2022 to avail the benefit of reservation. On July 31, UPSC cancelled Khedkar’s candidature and debarred her from future examinations. On August 1, a sessions court here refused to grant anticipatory bail to Khedkar, saying that there are serious allegations against her which require thorough investigation.
The judge had directed the Delhi Police to conduct its investigation with utmost impartiality to find out which candidates were recommended in the recent past and who might have availed such benefits illegally and whether anyone from the UPSC had helped Khedkar.