Lucknow. The Uttar Pradesh government has appointed Babita Chauhan as the chairperson of the Uttar Pradesh Women’s Commission. Apart from this, Mulayam Singh Yadav’s younger daughter-in-law Aparna Yadav has also been given a big responsibility. SP founder Mulayam Singh’s younger daughter-in-law Aparna Yadav has been made the vice-president of the commission. Apart from this, Charu Chaudhary of Gorakhpur has also been given the responsibility of the post of vice-president.
According to the notification issued by the Women’s Welfare Section, Governor Anandiben Patel has appointed Babita Chauhan of Agra as the chairperson. Along with Aparna Yadav, Charu Chaudhary of Gorakhpur has also been made the vice-chairman of the commission. While in the assembly elections-2022, Dr. Priyanka Maurya, the poster girl of Congress, Ladki Hun Lad Sakti Hun, has also been made a member of the commission. Apart from this, 24 other members have also been appointed.
Let us tell you that after about two and a half years, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has entrusted a big responsibility to Mulayam Singh’s younger daughter-in-law Aparna Yadav. Aparna Yadav joined the BJP in the 2022 assembly elections. There was also talk of her contesting the Lok Sabha elections from Mainpuri but she did not get the ticket. Now after the defeat of BJP in the Lok Sabha elections and the big success of SP, Aparna has been given this post. Charu Chaudhary of Gorakhpur is the daughter-in-law of former Mayor Manju Chaudhary. Manju Chaudhary was also the Vice President of the Women’s Commission last time.
Apart from them, many people have also been nominated as members of the Women’s Commission. These include Himani Agarwal from Meerut, Anju Prajapati from Lucknow, Poonam Dwivedi from Kanpur, Anita Gupta from Kanpur, Sunita Srivastava from Ballia, Anupam Singh Lodhi from Jhansi, Meena Kumari from Aligarh, Neelam Prabhat from Mirzapur, Geeta Bind from Jaunpur, Sujita Kumari from Lakhimpur, Pushpa Pandey from Bareilly, Priyanka Maurya from Lucknow, Geeta Vishwakarma from Prayagraj.