Mumbai After a bomb threat on an Air India flight from Mumbai to Thiruvananthapuram, it was taken to an isolation bay and all the passengers were evacuated. The bomb threat on the plane was made at 7.30 am. Six minutes later, an emergency was declared in the entire airport.
The plane (Air India) was landed safely and taken to the isolation bay. After this, all the passengers were evacuated and the plane (Air India) was inspected, in which nothing was found. During this, no one was injured or there was any kind of damage. All services at the airport are running normally as before.
The airport management believes that this is a hoax call but all security protocols are being followed. The aircraft was taken to the isolation bay and security checks were done and all the passengers were safely disembarked. When the plane reached near Thiruvananthapuram airport, the pilot informed about receiving a bomb threat. There were 135 passengers on board the plane. It is not yet known who gave the threat and how.
Recently, three malls in Gujarat, Punjab and Assam received bomb threats. After the threat, the malls were evacuated and inspected. Nothing suspicious was found during the investigation in the mall in Punjab. After this, a mall in Surat received a bomb threat on the same day. Police, bomb squad and dog squad reached the spot. After that, the mall was inspected.