Ayan Mukerji’s visual wonder ‘Brahmastra’ starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. Rajamouli, a director in southern states, is presenting this movie. He is handling the promotional responsibilities. As a part of that, the pre-release function of this movie in Telugu has been planned on Friday. Young Tiger Ntr (Jr Ntr) will be the chief guest, so preparations have been made to organize the event in a big way.
Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya prepared the event. Huge number of fans reached the city. But at the last minute, the police said that they could not arrange arrangements due to the immersion of Ganesh. The event has been canceled at Ramoji Film City. Simply held at the Park Hyatt. Fans were not present. It is known that Tarak also apologized to his fans.
In fact, Rajamouli and team have planned a new Brahmastra Pre Release event. They planned to make a fire on the live if NTR’s thigh was broken. But the event did not happen. According to the information heard in the cine circles, the organizers have lost nearly two and a half crores of rupees due to the cancellation of the Brahmastra event. Another tens of lakhs of rupees were spent to organize the same event at Huta Hutina Park Hyatt. I wanted to make it grand, but I couldn’t.
Brahmastra movie is a story about astras. It will be made in three parts. The first part of which is Shiva.. will come before the audience on September 9. The film also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, Mouny Roy and others in key roles.