Bryan Torres spoke out for the first time and confirmed the rumors that the influencer Samahara Lobatón is pregnant. In statements for the program ‘Magaly TV: la firma’, the young musician clarified that although the relationship with the young woman came to an end, he will fulfill the responsibilities of his father.
YOU CAN SEE:Samahara Lobatón called Bryan Torres “unhappy” and launched a disturbing phrase: “The crap you do to me”
Bryan Torres confirmed Samahara Lobatón’s pregnancy
What was a rumor is now confirmed. Singer Bryan Torres confirmed that he will be a father again with Melissa Klug’s daughter, Samahara Lobatón. The fact comes to light just hours after the now ex-couple started a scandal outside the home they shared.
“Yes, it’s true (referring to the pregnancy). I’m going to be there, I’m going to be there in all the steps that the doctor asks for, I’m never going to give up, he’s my son, I know that,” he began by saying.