Samahara Lobatón starred in a new fight with her now ex-partner Bryan Torres on public roads, which was captured by ‘Magaly TV, la firma’ and ‘Amor y fuego’. After this confrontation, the singer demanded that Melissa Klug’s daughter leave the house in which they are living, which belongs to her parents. Along these lines, the salsero announced that he would pay 8,000 soles to the influencer for what he spent on the renovations.
YOU CAN SEE:Bryan Torres CONFIRMS Samahara Lobatón’s pregnancy and announces separation
What did Bryan Torres say about his relationship with Samahara Lobatón?
Last Monday, April 22, Bryan Torres linked up with the Magaly Medina and he spoke about the images in which he is seen Samahara Lobaton throwing his clothes out the window of his house. “It bothered me that my mom dropped her shoe and her clothes. Everything got out of control,” she said at first.
In this regard, the singer points out that this situation with Melissa Klug’s daughter was the straw that broke the camel’s back and he decided to end his romantic relationship. Along these lines, Torres announced that she has demanded that Lobatón leave her parents’ house, where she lives with him.
“My family is already tired of me because they tell me: ‘You don’t put a stop to this and you have to leave.’ I took out my clothes and went to a friend’s house. I spoke to Samahara and told him: ‘You have to go’ (…). It’s already embarrassing,” said the salsa singer.
After that, Magaly questioned Bryan about his attitude because Samahara had remodeled that home: “She did it with her exchange, she changed the furniture, she painted, they plastered, they put everything up.”
In this regard, the salsero clarified that this is not the case, since his house had all the finishes. “I left everything okay. She made an exchange with a company and installed the headboard, part of the wood in the kitchen. The truth is that I don’t have anything there, what is a refrigerator, the truth is that nothing is mine, because I was just going to live there. I only had my bed and my clothes and nothing else,” Bryan said.
Later, Torres promised to reimburse Lobatón for the sum she spent on the improvements she made to her house: “She will not be left in the air. It is her job. I am going to be responsible for that. We have agreed that she is going to take everything and I only owe her the sum of 8,000 soles, which I am going to pay her. She is going to take out every piece of furniture that was put in there and she is going to take it somewhere else. She told me yes”.
YOU CAN SEE:Samahara Lobatón throws Bryan Torres’ clothes out of the window of his house after a fight
Did Bryan Torres confirm Samahara Lobatón’s second pregnancy?
In conversation with the ‘Magpie’, Brian Torres confirmed that his now ex-partner Samahara LobatonShe is expecting his child. “Yes, it’s true (referring to the pregnancy). I’m going to be there, I’m going to be there in all the steps that the doctor asks for, I’m never going to give up, he’s my son, I know that. He’s my son and I accept it.” (…). I already have a daughter and now a second child is on the way, I don’t know if it will be a man or a woman, but the only thing I ask is that the issue not be aired so much because we have already been through something in the past. strong. Sometimes people comment, talk and a pregnant person is very vulnerable, susceptible,” were the singer’s words.