Ayodhya. The shopping complex of SP leader Moeed Khan, accused of gangraping a minor in Ayodhya, has been demolished. The building was being demolished for two and a half hours with the help of 3 bulldozers and a Pokeland. The 2-storey complex is built in 4000 square feet. Its cost is Rs 3 crore.
According to the information received, some part of this building (shopping complex) was constructed on the land of the pond. After measuring it (shopping complex), the revenue administration had issued a notice to the tenants to vacate the building about ten days ago, warning them of demolition. The demolition action was being delayed due to the non-removal of the PNB bank operating in the same building.
After the bank was shifted on Wednesday, the team arrived on Thursday to demolish the building. Let us tell you that before this, the pond and Dalit land on which Moeed Khan had encroached to build a bakery (shopping complex) has been demolished. When the administrative officials came into action and started collecting the details of Moeed Khan’s properties, they found that he has encroached a lot of government land and got construction done on it.
Let us tell you that about three months ago, SP leader Moeed Khan and his servant Raju Khan raped a teenager. After that, they kept raping her repeatedly while blackmailing her by making a video on mobile. This was revealed two months ago when the teenager went to the doctor after suffering from stomach pain and it was found that she was pregnant. After this, the teenager’s mother filed a complaint with the police and got a case registered.