Hyderabad. Famous actor Nagarjuna is in trouble these days. On Saturday, the N-Convention Center owned by him in Hyderabad was demolished with a bulldozer. This action has been taken due to encroachment. Actually, the N-Convention Center built on 10 acres has been under investigation for many years.
It has been demolished after allegations of illegal construction in the full tank level area and buffer zone of Thammidikunta lake in Madhapur area of Hyderabad. This hall was located near Shilparamam in Rangareddy district. This land comes under the FTL zone. Hydra started the demolition of the hall on Saturday morning. Heavy police force was deployed on the spot to ensure that no obstruction is caused during the action.
Actor Nagarjuna’s convention center was spread over 10 acres and was found violating environmental rules. It is being said that the center had encroached upon the Tummidikunta lake. In which 1.12 acres of land inside the Full Tank Level (FTL) and about 2 acres of land inside the buffer zone of the lake were encroached. Hydra officials took this action after receiving complaints, in which it was alleged that the nearby water body Tummidhi Cheruvu was encroached upon in the construction of the convention center.
According to the report, a complaint was filed with Hydra, stating that the owners of the convention center had encroached upon an area of three and a half acres, which was originally part of the lake. Now the actor (Nagarjuna) has tweeted on this. He wrote, ‘I am saddened by this illegal demolition done in connection with the convention. This action has been taken against the orders of the court and stay orders.’