Shwetasingh was arrested by Mumbai Cyber Cell police on the basis of information provided by Vishal Kumar Jha. According to a social media friend named Jiu from Nepal, he started a fake account called ‘Jat Khalsa 07’ and with the help of this, the police found that the content was posted on the Bully Boy app.
Police said that Vishal Kumar Jha was introduced to Swetasingh through social media. The two are said to be in frequent contact via Facebook and Instagram. Moreover, along with those who have a similar ideology, they have made it clear that they have committed this crime. Apart from posting hateful remarks, Shweta Singh is also posting obscene photos of celebrities on the Twitter handle under the name Jat Khalsa 07.
In the Bully Boy app, photos of women, prominent journalists, lawyers, and social activists who are politically and socially vulgar are vulgarly photographed and put up for auction. The incident, in which women’s self-esteem was held hostage online on New Year’s Day, has drawn widespread criticism. The central government, including the Mumbai and Delhi police, has also reacted strongly. Shiv Sena MP Priyanka Chaturvedi has lodged a complaint with the Maharashtra Police.