Siddharthnagar. A horrific road accident took place on the Lucknow-Agra Expressway. Here a speeding car went out of control and rammed into a container from behind. In this accident, a doctor working at the district’s CHC Tilauli and the car driver died. Police reached the spot and sent the body for post-mortem.
This accident happened near Sirdharpur village in Unnao district. It is being told that along with the car driver, the doctor also died a painful death in this accident. The doctor was going from Siddharthnagar CHC Titauli to Agra for a meeting when this accident happened with him. After getting information about this incident, the police reached the spot and took the bodies of both of them in their custody and sent them for post-mortem.
50-year-old Ramnivas, son of Budhairam, a doctor resident of Khalilabad area of Sant Kabir Nagar district, was going to a meeting in Agra in a WagonR car on Tuesday morning. The car was being driven by Sufiyan, a resident of Bari Sarauli of Khalilabad. On Tuesday morning, the car went out of control and hit a container near Sirdharpur village on the Lucknow-Agra Expressway. The car was completely damaged in the accident. The doctor and the driver were declared dead by the doctor at the CHC. The police have informed the relatives about the incident over the phone.
(Report- Deep Yadav, Siddharth Nagar)