Renowned stylist Carlos Cacho, guest on the show ‘America Today’ spoke about the recent scandal involving the couple formed by Nardha Velarde and Luis Fernando Rodríguez. The images that show an alleged infidelity of the businessman with Pamela Lopez have generated great controversy, and the makeup artist, who claimed to be a close friend of both, made an unexpected revelation about the current state of their relationship.
Carlos Cacho launched a powerful innuendo to Pamela López for her relationship with ‘outgoing’
During his participation in the program ‘America Today’, Carlos Cacho He confidently stated that Nardha Velarde and Luis Rodriguez They are about to reconcile, despite the tensions caused by the aforementioned images. “I can only tell you that yesterday (August 28) I spoke with Nardha, I spoke with Luis Fernando, and they are going to become friends,” said the stylist live, expressing his enthusiasm for the possible reconciliation of his friends. “I am super happy because they are my friends and I wish them the best. They are going to become friends,” he added firmly.
Cacho insisted that the bond between Velarde and Rodriguez remains strong, despite the scandal. On the other hand, he did not hesitate to send a harsh innuendo to Pamela Lopez. “They are beautiful and they love each other. They will be going through a break, suddenly, but they will become friends, I can tell you. They have a beautiful daughter and they have a wonderful marriage,” he emphasized. “We all have arguments, all the time. Besides, evil never wins,” he said.
Carlos Cacho spoke out about the scandal between Pamela López, his ex-wife, and Nardha Velarde. Photo: América TV.
Carlos Cacho denied Pamela López’s friendship with Nardha Velarde
In an exclusive interview for America Today makeup artist Carlos Cacho spoke out about the controversy involving Pamela López and Nardha Velarde. The former host explained that he is very close to Nardha and has shared moments with her and her ex-partner Luis Rodríguez, so he finds it hard to believe that their relationship has ended due to rumors of infidelity.
Cacho condemned Pamela López’s actions and stated that she knew that her boyfriend had a relationship with the mother of his daughter, since they used to attend parties and various social events together.
“I am super surprised and very sad because Nardha and Luis Fernando are friends of mine, they are a couple that I love very much. They are fantastic, they are young, they are beautiful boys, they have a beautiful daughter and, every time we have been in Piura or Mancora, they have always been splendid… I love them very much and I am very sorry about what is happening and I am surprised that this woman would get involved in such a beautiful marriage,” Carlos Cacho said at the beginning.
“She is claiming that people interfere in her marriage and look what she does. That woman is indefensible, I did not like her when I met her and I confirm the feeling I had when I met her at the ‘Pharaoh’s’ birthday in Chiclayo, because Luis Fernando and Nardha went with her to the ‘Pharaoh’s’ birthday and that’s where I met her. I think it’s horrible what she has done to Nardha, I don’t understand anything and I am extremely sad. I don’t want to even see her,” she lashed out.
Summary: Carlos Cacho attacks Pamela López for “betraying” Nardha Velarde for being ‘outgoing’
Carlos Cacho speaks out on the controversy : Guest on ‘América Hoy’, stylist Carlos Cacho spoke about the scandal involving Nardha Velarde, Luis Fernando Rodríguez and Pamela López, stating that he is a close friend of the couple.
Possible reconciliation between Nardha Velarde and Luis Rodriguez : Carlos Cacho revealed that, after talking to both of them on August 28, he is convinced that Nardha Velarde and Luis Fernando Rodríguez are about to reconcile, despite the scandal.
Criticism of Pamela Lopez : Cacho sent a harsh innuendo to Pamela López, condemning her behavior and the alleged infidelity with Luis Fernando Rodríguez. He stated that Pamela knew about Luis’ relationship with Nardha, since they used to attend social events together.
Unconditional support for the couple : Carlos Cacho highlighted the beauty and solidity of the marriage of Nardha Velarde and Luis Rodríguez, mentioning that, although they are going through a difficult time, he believes that they will overcome the problems and reconcile soon.
Personal statements by Cacho about Pamela López :Cacho expressed his displeasure towards Pamela López, stating that since he met her at the ‘Pharaoh’s’ birthday party in Chiclayo, he had not liked her, and harshly criticized her behavior for having become involved in the marriage of his friends.