Police have registered another case against Ayurvedic expert Bonigi Anandayya in Krishnapatnam in Nellore district. Thousands of people unexpectedly came on Friday for Ayurvedic medicine. The SP called Anandayya to the office and said that most of the people had gathered with this. However, the news that Anandayya was arrested by the police was rumored. The campaign was dismissed by the Nellore SP.
It was revealed that he was being given extra security as people were scrambling for Anandayya. On the other hand, local YSSR Congress MLA Kakani Govardhan Reddy said that the posts coming on social media that Bonigi Anandayya was arrested by the police were untrue. This is just a rumor, please no one should believe such rumors.
ICMR said that scientific research should be done on this, based on the findings of that research .. Should Ayurveda allow the distribution of drugs? At? Is said to be determined. It was clarified that drug distribution was not allowed till then. Meanwhile, in Krishnapatnam, Nellore district, a man named Bonigi Anandayya is known to be distributing an ayurvedic medicine called corona prevention medicine. Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy also focused on this and opined that a scientific study was needed. With this, AYUSH and ICMR teams reached Krishnapatnam. The two teams will examine Anandayya Corona Ayurvedic medicine.