This Tuesday, March 15, a new chapter of “The Box Challenge” was broadcast. The sports competition reality show produced by TV snail This year, 2022, it will celebrate its 18th anniversary in force on the small screen in Colombia.
Live: Minute by minute of The Box Colombia Challenge
This new season has four teams: Alpha, Beta, gammaand Omega. Likewise, it is broadcast from Monday to Friday starting at 8:00 pm (Colombian and Peruvian time). In the following lines, we tell you all the details about today’s chapter.
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How was yesterday’s chapter in “Challenge The Box” 2022?
In yesterday’s episode, Maleja revealed unfortunate news about her sister’s illness and therefore left the program. The Gamma team conducted an exercise to choose the participants who had to cut their hair as punishment. While the Alpha team performed the classic paper, rock or scissors to decide who would receive the punishment.
One of the contestants on The Box 2022 Challenge threatened to quit the show. Photo: Capture Caracol TV
How are the teams made up?
The groups of “Challenge The Box” are integrated as follows:
- Tarzan (Coastal)
- Valkyrie (Tolima Grande)
- Porto (Coastal)
- Alexa (Vallecaucanos)
- Greece (Santandereans)
- Beto (Tolima Grande)
- Okendo (Antioquenos)
- Othniel (Amazonians)
- Ceta (Lowlanders)
- Karina (Llaneros)
- Lina (Tolima Grande)
- Dani (Boyacenses)
- Valentina (Antiqueños)
- Moses (Loaners)
- Samir (Coastal)
- Carballo (Tolima Grande)
- Letician (Amazonians)
- Maleja (Cachacos)
- Emily (Amazonians)
- Fernanda (Boyacenses)
- Karol (Pastusos)
- Brayan (Cachacos)
- Skirla (Coffee Growers)
- Duván (Santandereans)
- Liz (Pastusos)
- Anna (Antioquenos)
- Nati (Vallecaucanos)
- Karla (Cachacos)
- Ossa (Antioquenos)
- Creole (Coffee Growers)
- Juan Pablo (Boyacenses)
- Torvic (Vallecaucanos)
Who were the first eliminated?
The first participants to leave the “Challenge The Box” competition were Andrea (Cafeteros), Bermu (Cafeteros), Xiomy (Amazónicos), Paula (Llaneros), Nana (Santandereanos), Stephanie (Costeños), Sebastián (Vallecaucanos), Johan (Santandereans), Monkey (Boyacenses), Julki (Pastusos), Miguelón (Cachacos) and Fernando (Pastusos).
Emily from the Gamma team was sentenced along with Beto from the Alpha team. Photo: Capture Caracol TV
“The Box Challenge”: schedule
The competition program is broadcast from Monday to Friday starting at 8:00 pm (Colombian and Peruvian time). Also, this year 2022 they will celebrate 18 years of broadcast.
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“The Box Challenge”: broadcast channel
In Colombian territory, the reality show can be seen LIVE through the open signal channel Caracol TV. In the same way, remember that if you are in Peru, you can view its transmission through contracted cable services such as DirecTV, Movistar TV, Claro TV, among others.
The captain of the Gamma team, Maleja, burst into tears and apologized to her teammates for losing one of the competitions. Photo: Capture Caracol TV
How to watch Caracol TV channel LIVE?
Remember that if you are in Colombia, you can tune in to the open and free signal of Caracol TV. However, if you are outside Colombian territory, you can connect to the reality show through your favorite cable server.
How to see Caracol Play?
To enjoy Caracol TV programming through its Caracol Play application, follow these steps:
- Go to their website:
- Register online and log in
- Search the name of the program on the web: “Challenge the box”
- Play it and start enjoying this and other productions of the Colombian channel.
The Gamma team does not have food and services. Photo: Capture Caracol TV
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Where to see “Challenge The Box” chapter 6 LIVE ONLINE FREE?
Watch the new chapter of “Desafío The Box” ONLINE through the FREE broadcast of La República Espectáculos, where you can find the minute by minute of this reality show.