Details revealed. After the interview he gave Pamela Lopez Magaly Medina exclusively, Christian Cueva’s still wife, spoke about the gifts he gave to the singer Pamela Franco. The interview was conducted in the privacy of the host’s home ‘Magaly TV, the firm’ and his statements have generated new tension in the Peruvian entertainment industry.
The well-known ‘Urraca’ also asked him about various other issues such as the alleged link that ‘Aladino’ had with the businesswoman Melissa Klug, a fact that generated various opinions and strong responses of denial on the part of those involved.
What did Pamela López say on Magaly Tv, la firme?
Pamela Lopez Magaly Medina asked her during an exclusive interview for the program ‘Magaly TV, la firme’ about the extramarital relationship that singer Pamela Franco and former Cienciano player Christian Cueva allegedly had. López told the presenter that her still husband confessed to her everything he did with her. Pamela Franco in 2018.
Christian Cueva is said to have bought her brand name shoes and paid for her trips to Brazil and Russia as her best friend. He even took her to a pre-season training camp when he was playing in Spain. According to Lopez, he would have confessed everything on his knees.
“She asked him to buy her a sneaker from a well-known brand, which took her, her best friend and her friend’s son on a trip to Brazil and Russia. He took her to a pre-season training camp in Spain,” said Pamela López.
Pamela López on Cueva and Pamela Franco: “I wanted to know the whole truth”
After hearing the revelation that ‘Cuevita’ had confessed to his wife, Pamela López, Magaly Medina asked him why he told her those things, emphasizing how painful a confession of infidelity would have been. “It was very painful, remember, there were many years of many lies and many manipulations. He and his entourage lied to me. Everyone was pimping him out.”
Lopez also indicated that she did not forgive him initially, suggesting that if he really wants forgiveness, he should go to therapy. “I did not decide to forgive him, the only thing I decided was what we talked about at some point, I want to see how you behave, we are not together, but I want to see how you behave, if you really want my forgiveness and that of your family. These things are not going to be easy. The first thing I suggested to him is to go to therapy.”
Melissa Klug and Cueva would have had encounters, according to Pamela López
One of the confessions that generated thousands of reactions is what Pamela López confessed, who indicated that Melissa Klug had an intimate encounter with the soccer player and her still husband, Christian Cueva.
“I discovered conversations with her that, at the time, I faced. I found very compromising conversations and he tells me that he had meetings with her, that he had been unfaithful with her,” he said Pamela Lopez to which Magaly Medina responds that there were messages where Christian Cueva said “that little thing is mine” to Melissa Klug.
After her confession this past Tuesday, August 20, the businesswoman Melissa Klug has denied any romantic or other connection with ‘Cuevita’. Likewise, Christian Cueva has denied any connection through a post on Instagram.