Christian Nodal has uncovered one of the secrets of his relationship with Belinda. The Mexican singer got tired of the actress’s mother’s attacks on social networks and decided to show a chat in which her ex-girlfriend asks for money to fix her teeth, a few days after the announcement of her breakup.
Belinda’s mother referred to Christian Nodal. Photo: Instagram capture
Why did Christian Nodal end up with Belinda?
The interpreter of “Bottle after bottle” indicated that the reason for his separation with Belinda is related to an economic issue. He hinted that the singer’s mother leaves her daughter without money; for that reason, she turned to him. His statement has shaken the Mexican show.
“20 years collecting the fruits of his daughter until leaving her with nothing. Leave me alone, I’m healing. I don’t bother them, I don’t even demand my credits in songs or in life. Everything beautiful that is happening deserves it and it also cost me. When I got tired of giving, it’s all over”, wrote Christian Nodal on Twitter.
Christian Nodal shows chat with Belinda. Photo: capture Twitter
YOU CAN SEEBelinda leaves Mexico after ending romance with Nodal
What does he say in the Christian Nodal and Belinda chat?
In Belinda and Christian Nodal’s chat you can read that the actress from “Sidekicks to the rescue” asks for money to fix his teeth. Minutes later, apparently receiving no response from her, the Spanish artist accuses him of “destroying her life” and “leaving her alone.”
“Love, Do you think I can get my teeth fixed this week? I mean, Aren’t you going to get some money this week?Apart from my parents? So that I can fix them, ”she wrote at 6:59 a.m.
“I deeply regret everything I have suffered with you. You have destroyed my whole life. The best thing is that you concentrate on your career, which is the only thing that matters to you. I’m not going to go on like this anymore, not with your people or with anything. I knew this would happen, I knew you were going to leave me alone and destroy life”, he added at 7:08 a.m.
Christian Nodal shows chat with Belinda. Photo: capture Twitter