Mumbai. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has taken the misbehavior with the girls in a school in Badlapur very seriously. He has warned that if any such incident happens, strict action will be taken against the school management. He also directed on Tuesday that the case be run in a fast track court, so that the accused can be dealt with strictly.
Local people have protested against the Badlapur incident by stopping trains. There have also been reports of stone pelting at many places. After getting information about the brutality with two girls in a reputed school in Badlapur East of Thane Police Commissioner area, the Chief Minister has also discussed the matter with the Police Commissioner. After this, the concerned police inspectors have been transferred. Along with this, the school’s headmaster has also been suspended. He also directed that it should also be investigated whether Sakhi Savitri Committee has been formed in schools or not. The Chief Minister immediately spoke to Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar and asked him to take permanent concrete steps to prevent such incidents.
He suggested to install complaint boxes in every school for students or parents. Apart from this, he also stressed on keeping a strict vigil on the school staff who are in constant contact with the students and keeping information about their background. Chief Minister Shinde said that there should be such a system that if the students have any doubts, they can tell the school principal, head teacher or teacher without any fear. He said that the management should immediately talk to the teachers and staff of all the schools and take proper care. If the management is at fault, action will be taken against them.
After the head teacher was suspended for misbehaving with girl students in the Badlapur school, two employees have also been dismissed. On the other hand, local people have protested by stopping the train against the Badlapur incident. Stone pelting has also been reported from many places. The Railway Police Commissioner is trying to control the situation by contacting the agitators.