New Delhi. After the new report of Hindenburg, opposition parties are demanding the resignation of Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) chief Madhavi Buch and a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) probe into the matter related to the Adani Group. Now the Congress party will hold a nationwide protest on August 22 for this demand.
Congress Organization General Secretary KC Venugopal made this announcement on Tuesday after a meeting of Congress party general secretaries, state in-charges and state unit presidents. KC Venugopal said that today Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge had called a meeting of top Congress party leaders including general secretaries, state in-charges and state presidents.
56 leaders attended the meeting and 38 of them gave many valuable suggestions. We discussed the scam related to Adani and SEBI. Venugopal (KC Venugopal) said that we have decided to start a nationwide movement on August 22. This demonstration will be for two demands. The first demand is the resignation of the SEBI chief and the second demand is that a JPC should be formed to investigate the Adani mega scam.
He said that the government should declare the landslide incident in Wayanad as a national disaster. He also said that caste census has also been discussed and the government should get it done without delay. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi also targeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi on this issue and said that now it has become completely clear why Prime Minister Modi is so scared of the investigation of the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC).