During a recent broadcast of the program ‘You are in all’, Natalie Vértiz did not hide her discontent when addressing Christian Domínguez for his alleged infidelities. The model, visibly disappointed, questioned the singer about her behavior. The comments left the performer bewildered and generated a tense moment on the recording set, which reflected the impact of the cumbiambero’s actions on his personal and professional environment.
Does Natalie Vértiz reproach Christian Domínguez for infidelities?
Saturday May 18the Great international orchestra He appeared on the América TV morning show to perform and promote some of his songs. At that moment, the presenter Natalie VertizHe addressed a few words to the cumbiambero, regarding his alleged infidelities. “Christian, you’ll be on your best behaviorI do not ask. Dominguez answered: “Yes please”. “Because I really had faith in you, but now you have disappointed me”expressed Vértiz, which left the singer surprised.

Was Christian Domínguez involved with other women, besides Pamela Franco?
Initially, Janet Barboza questioned Christian Dominguez about whether he considered his ex-partners as victims of his actions of infidelity. In response, Ella Domínguez admitted having maintained contact with other women, in addition to those mentioned. Mary Moncada and Alexa Samaméwho detailed their meetings in the program Magaly Medina.
DominguezHe acknowledged that the people affected were his deceived partners, his family, his children and all those whom he has emotionally hurt. “The victims are them (their deceived partners)my family, my children, all the people I have ‘hurt’ emotionally. Not just the ones I fooled.”responded to his partner’s question.

Domínguez, through his social network, shared a photograph that surprised users. Photo: composition/LR/broadcast

Besides, JanetHe asked if more women would come forward to accuse him of having a romantic relationship with them. The interpreter admitted to having reflected on that question on several occasions and acknowledged having made mistakes on more than two occasions, on numerous occasions.
He stated that from the moment he receives a message, or what some might call a flirt, he is already making a mistake. “Look, I asked myself that question several times.yyor say that I have been wrong more than twice, many times. As I said, since I receive a message or if you want to call it, I flirt, I’m already making a mistake,” said the Cumbia member.

Pamela Franco separated from Christian Domínguez after ampay from the singer. Photo: composition LR/América TV/Panamericana TV

Who are Mary Moncada and Alexa Samamé?
As to Mary Moncadashe was the first woman to accuse Christian Dominguezof having been unfaithful to Pamela Franco with her. Moncada is a manager at a bank in the United States, she has a Bachelor of Administration and International Business, and travels frequently to Peru. While Alexa Samame She was the second to claim that Domínguez betrayed her then partner. In an interview with ‘Magaly TV, the firm’the Chiclayana woman reported that the cumbia singer treated her with great affection.
Christian Domínguez: “I wouldn’t know how to tell you if I’m unfaithful”
Given the constant infidelities discovered throughout the life of Christian Dominguezthey asked him if he considered himself a serial cheater, a medical term used by psychologists to describe people who repeat infidelity. The singer expressed that he could not say if he is a chronic cheater, since you have not identified your problem. He claimed that he couldn’t self-diagnose because he doesn’t know. He is only now aware that he needs to receive therapy and surely there they will tell him what his diagnosis is.

“I couldn’t tell you if I’m a serial cheater or not, because I haven’t identified what I have. I couldn’t diagnose myself like that because I don’t know.“I’m just aware that I have to undergo therapy and they will surely diagnose me for what I am,” explained the media singer.