Christian Domínguez was in the eye of the storm for a long time after being supported by Mary Moncada. The event generated a great impact on local entertainment and many even took it as a joke, such was the case of Donnie Yaipén who parodied the moment when Christian Domínguez stated that he had lent his truck to a friend, without imagining that months later he would be the protagonist of an ampay.
What did Donnie Yaipén say about Christian Domínguez’s ampay?
After the images of Christian Dominguez be broadcast nationally, some local entertainment figures spoke out. Trome interviewed Donnie Yaipén who, at that time, remembered the past of Dominguez in the Yaipén group: “He was one of the most media-savvy people in Hermanos Yaipénalmost every week they ‘ampayed’ him ha, ha, ha. The worst thing is that they put us all in the same bag.”he said with a laugh.
Later, he assured that Christian Dominguez He always got his musicians into trouble. ““Everyone ended up fighting with their partners because of him,”Indian.
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Donnie YaipénHe mentioned that, until then, no musician in his orchestra had been surprised in compromising situations, and highlighted the effort to maintain a clean image of the group, without anticipating that months later he himself would be at the center of one of those episodes. The singer pointed out that the most ‘moved’ member of the group is his cameraman, whom he has already warned, and also shared what would happen if he were protected in a similar situation. “We are left without a singer ha, ha, ha”, he said on that occasion.
How was Donnie Yaipén’s ampay?
Donnie Yaipén is currently at the center of controversy. Cameras from the ‘Magaly TV, la firma’ program captured a young woman, identified as 21-year-old Yanira Higginson, entering a hotel in Lince. Shortly after, a car owned by Stefani Quijano, driven by Donnie Yaipén.
After approximately an hour and a half, the red vehicle left the hotel and parked nearby, two houses away. The young woman boarded the car and was later seen getting off near a busy shopping center in the San Miguel district, then getting back into the same vehicle and later getting off again.
What did Donnie Yaipén say about his ampay?
Donnie Yaipén He issued a detailed statement on his Instagram to clarify several aspects after being captured in an ampay on Magaly Medina’s program. In addition, the artist decided to clarify her current sentimental status.
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“First, It is true that the person seen in the images is me. Second, for some time now I am separated from my partner from 2021 until a few months ago,Miss Stefani Quijano.“She knows the love and affection I feel for her and for which we kept our separation strictly confidential.”he says at the beginning.
“The vehicle that appears in the images belongs to me, but we decided to put it in Stefani’s name due to strictly confidential issues and agreements we had when acquiring the vehicle,” he explained.
“With this I would like to clarify the images released and thank you for your interest in our family. Stefani and I are in a healthy and gradual process of evaluating what will happen between us as a couple,” he said.