Ely Yutronic is a prominent figure in Peruvian journalism, known for her work on ATV’s nightly newscast. However, her path to success in the world of communication began long before and far from Peru. In this article, we explore her origin, her upbringing, and her motives behind her arrival in Peru.
What nationality does Ely Yutronic have?
Ely Yutronic He is of Chilean nationality. Born in the heart of Chile, from a young age she showed a marked interest in the media and the art of telling stories. Before becoming a well-known television figure in Peru, Ella Ely had a notable participation in Chilean television, where her first steps on the screen led her to be part of various programs and reality shows.
What did Ely Yutronic study in Madrid?
Ely Yutronic He moved to Madrid at an early age to study Journalism. Thanks to her previous work in Chile as a model and host, she managed to save enough to pay for her education in one of the most vibrant cities in Europe. “From a very young age, from the age of 16, she worked. I was a hostess, I was a model, and with that I was able to generate the resources and save to be able to go to Madrid to study Journalism, which was my desire. I spent about 4 years in Spain and for family reasons I moved to Bogotá, Colombia,” she commented on her newscast.
Why did Ely Yutronic come to Peru?
Ely Yutronic’s arrival in Peru was motivated mainly by professional opportunities. After her academic training in Madrid and a brief stay in Bogotá, Colombia, Ely decided to settle in Peru, where she found fertile ground for her career in the media. Her ability to connect with the public and her international experience were key to her rapid adaptation and success in the country.
“I feel so grateful to you, you can’t imagine it, and to my family too. During these 5 years, those who know me know that I have worked as a reporter, journalist and news anchor. I worked in difficult times of pandemic, protests. It has been a lot of effort. “Everything I have achieved has been through merit and work,” she said in her television program.
What did Ely Yutronic respond to Magaly Medina?
After the journalistic report by ‘Magaly TV, la firma’ about Ely Yutronic’s work past, the communicator came out to speak out through her newscast. Ely Yutronic also expressed being proud of her career and declared that she does not feel any remorse for her past, since all her actions have been in pursuit of achieving her dream of becoming a journalist, enjoying her current life in Peru today.
“I have nothing to be ashamed of; on the contrary, I feel proud of the woman I have become (…). Nobody is perfect and all human beings grow and improve,” said Yutronic.