Francisco García Ayllón, son of the renowned Peruvian artist Eva Ayllón, has been involved in a public scandal after filing a complaint against Natalia Malaga The musician accused the former volleyball player of damaging his vehicle and that of his partner, Jessica Zegarra, which has generated great media interest.
The problem began when Francisco discovered that his car and his partner’s had been scratched. Initially, the identity of the perpetrator was a mystery, but after installing security cameras, Eva Ayllón’s son identified Málaga as the person responsible for the damage. According to the police report, the damage amounts to S/2000.
What was Eva Ayllón’s reaction to the complaint against Natalia Málaga?
When Francisco García Ayllón discovered that Natalia Málaga was responsible for scratching his car and that of his partner, he decided to consult with his mother, Eva Ayllon on the actions to be taken.
“Once that happened and I showed it to my mother (Eva Ayllón), she told me to proceed as I saw fit. . I filed a complaint and my girlfriend (Jessica Zegarra) and I had to do it, because the affected cars are in each of our names,” was the reaction of his mother, according to the aforementioned in an interview for the program ‘En Escena’ on RPP.
Natalia Málaga remains silent after the complaint by Eva Ayllón’s son. Photo: LR/América TV composition
Francisco, after his mother’s words, filed the complaint with his girlfriend Jessica Zegarra since the affected cars are in each one’s name. The musician stressed that, after gathering the necessary evidence, he decided to take legal action against Málaga, thus seeking justice for the damages caused.
This is the video of Natalia Malaga
A video that has gone viral on the X platform (formerly Twitter) shows Natalia Málaga scratching a car, presumably that of Francisco Garcia Ayllon In the images, the former volleyball player can be seen using her car key to cause damage to the vehicle. The act, which lasted only a few seconds, left visible marks on the car of Eva Ayllón’s son.
Despite the public and legal complaint to the authorities, Natalia Málaga has not yet made any public statements about the incident that has involved her in a media scandal.
Why was Natalia Málaga reported?
The motive behind the acts of Natalia Malaga remains a mystery. According to the podcast ‘Pure Floro’ driven by John Tirado and Gianfranco Pérez, Francisco and Jessica filed a complaint for a crime against property after identifying Málaga as the author of the damage. The complaint details that on March 7, at around 4.28 pm, Málaga used a sharp object to scratch the vehicles, causing significant damage.
Jessica Zegarra, Francisco’s partner, said that she initially did not know who was damaging her car, which had received ten scratches. She decided to install a camera in the second vehicle, where she captured Málaga in the act. Despite sending Málaga a video with evidence of her actions, the former athlete did not respond and reportedly continued causing damage. The reasons behind this behavior have not yet been clarified, and the case remains under investigation.