The controversial interview conducted by Magaly Medina’s ‘magpies’ with Gabriela Serpa set off alarms within the world of Peruvian entertainment. The conversation, loaded with inappropriate comments, overflowed with respect and professional ethics, which led Serpa to leave the set of the ‘Puro floro’ podcast in tears. This episode has put reporters John Tirado, Otto Díaz and Gianfranco Pérez at the center of the controversy, putting their permanence on Medina’s team at risk.
In an interview for Infobae Perú, Magaly Medina expressed her disagreement with the actions of the ‘magpies’ in her podcast. “I totally disagree not only with what they do, but with what other similes do on social networks,” he declared, making it clear that he does not tolerate behavior that damages the image of his program.
Magaly Medina reveals if the ‘magpies’ will continue on her program
The situation has generated an internal evaluation in the Magaly Medina . According to the host, both she and her general producer, Patrick Llamo, are evaluating whether the ‘magpies’ will continue to be part of their team in 2025. “We are evaluating their permanence next year on our screen,” she commented, leaving in Clearly their behaviors have already caused a conflict of interest.
Although reporters have complete freedom in ‘Puro floro’, the outrageous comments to Gabriela Serpa, as well as the lack of control in her interview style, have altered public perception of her work. Magaly explained that, although Gianfranco Pérez, John Tirado and Otto Díaz are not under her direct supervision on the podcast, their relationship with the television program has affected the image of both. “There has already been a conflict of interest because everyone says ‘Magaly’s magpies’ as if I also directed their podcast,” Medina added, which calls into question its continuity.
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