Genesis Tapia, known for her career as a former reality show host, is going through a difficult time following the infidelity of her husband, Kike Márquez. The situation has been especially hard for the mother of three, as her partner’s betrayal has put her pregnancy at risk, leading her to be hospitalized to ensure that everything continues as normal.
What message did Génesis Tapia’s daughter write?
While former dancer Génesis Tapia remains in the hospital, her eldest daughter has decided to provide her with significant emotional support. Amid the tension and pain caused by her husband’s recent infidelity, the minor has surprised her mother with an emotional message that has been shared by the lawyer herself on her social networks.
The first text the girl wrote says: “If you think that you are not someone to the world, surely for someone you are the world.” In a second message, Tapia’s daughter refers to the Christian faith, offering words of encouragement based on spirituality. “He loves you and wants to help you in your challenges. God’s love is constant (…) He knows perfectly well when you ask him and wants to help you even more than an earthly father wants to help his children,” said the minor.
What message did Génesis Tapia post on Instagram?
Despite the great controversy that the ampay of Kike Marquez Génesis Tapia is more worried about her health and that of her baby than about the breakup of her marriage. The lawyer revealed that her pregnancy is high risk after being hospitalized in an emergency due to the sedatives she took to cope with the emotional impact of her husband’s betrayal. The delicate state of her pregnancy has required urgent medical attention, as shown in the images broadcast on television.
Two days after the incident, Génesis Tapia reappeared on her social media with an emotional message. In a video and a touching text, she expressed her feelings towards her baby, imploring him to fight for his life. “Hold on to me, my life, forgive me for all the harm I’m doing to you, don’t leave me, son, I need you, Adonay,” Tapia wrote at the beginning of her post.