Gianella Neyra spoke about her past, which involved the actor and politician Second Cernadas, whom he married in 2004 and separated in 2011, leaving as a result of their relationship a son, who is now 12 years old.
The protagonist of At 40 spoke with Milagros Leiva and spoke about that complicated passage that she lived, but that she accepted when she realized that the relationship had no future.
“When I got divorced it was a very cathartic moment, but somehow we were able to do it in a very beautiful way. We sat down and we were very honest in being able to say ‘we are no longer in love with each other’, ‘we want different things,’ “said the actress for the YouTube program Vida y Milagros.
Likewise, Gianella Neyra, who now maintains a relationship with the driver Cristian Rivero, said that she has contact with Segundo Cernadas, the father of her first child.
“I love Pedro very much (the actor’s real name), he’s a wonderful father, he’s an incredible guy. We maintain a good relationship. Thank God he has a healthy relationship with Salvador and Salvador loves him, his father is the tallest, the strongest, the most handsome, the most everything, which is how he has to be ”, he explained.
What’s more, Gianella neyra He was honest about his divorce from Second Cernadas. Although they ended their engagement in a cordial manner, she revealed that she needed professional help.
“They were years of therapy. CSince (a marriage) is one of the biggest investments of your life, (divorce) feels like one of the biggest failures of your life. It’s good not being able to understand many things alone, what happened, what I have to learn, what he has to learn. It is part of learning, “he said.
Gianella Neyra, latest news:
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