Mumbai After the Badlapur case, the Shinde government has taken several strict steps. Mangal Prabhat Lodha, Cabinet and Guardian Minister of Mumbai Suburban District, has issued important instructions to the District Collector of Mumbai Suburban regarding the installation of CCTV cameras for the safety of women and children.
Guardian Minister Mangal Prabhat Lodha issued a letter stressing on the need to take all necessary measures (CCTV) for the safety of women and girl students in various schools and colleges in Mumbai suburban area to prevent crimes against women and children.
Lodha (Mangal Prabhat Lodha) said that from September 1, self-defense training will be given to young women in all industrial training institutes across the state and schools/colleges in Mumbai suburban area. Keeping women’s safety in mind, strict instructions should be given to all educational institutions from kindergarten to postgraduate level in Mumbai suburban area.
Minister Lodha (Mangal Prabhat Lodha) directed in his letter that, “The entire school premises, except the toilets, should be brought under the surveillance of CCTV cameras. CCTV cameras should be installed and their security and proper functioning should be regularly checked by beat marshals or patrolling police teams. A female staff should be permanently appointed to keep watch outside the girls’ toilets.