Through a live on Facebook Group 5 spoke out about the complaint that Thony Valencia faces after his ex-partner Laura Zurita accused him of not recognizing his son or taking emotional or financial care of him. The group confirmed that they removed the singer from the band and that these events took them by surprise.
Group 5 removes Thony Valencia from the group after accusations of not recognizing his son
After maintaining silence for several days, Group 5 revealed that they decided to fire Thony Valencia from the band after his ex-partner Laura Zurita claimed that the singer refuses to recognize his 2-month-old son. In addition to not providing support or giving the child quality time.
“Things have happened during the week. Thony’s issue is delicate, very delicate, and took us by surprise. We found out and had to call Thony to inform him that he was being separated from Group 5. We hope and demand that he regularize these issues. Also tell them that in all these years that we have been in charge of Group 5, these family issues are a priority for us because we have many families in charge in our companies,” the group stated in a live on Facebook.
The Monsefú group emphasized that family is essential to the values of Group 5, so this would not be the first time they have had problems with a member for being involved in this type of scandals. “Once a court order came to our company for a vocalist we had and the company made the discount by court order and we deposited it with the mother. This vocalist, after we gave him the discount, what he did was leave Group 5 “These are internal things that we do not like to disclose, we do not like to say, because they are not relevant,” they added.
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