‘Guppedanta Manasu’ serial which impressed the television audience so much .. entered 148 episodes today (27 May 2021).
The Rishi who heard the whole class given by Vasudhara was cool .. ‘Once you see it, it’s a pity, sir’, his ego hurts .. ‘Hello .. I am not in a position to feel sorry for myself ..’ he says angrily. ‘Admit it sir .. admit some .. it’s not great to think I will be like this sir .. you do not know the bonds. No responsibilities in the family. LeapFrog does not know .. Games do not know. What’s really in your life, sir? ‘ Vasudhara says. Rishi looks on in shock. ‘Sir .. know what life is all about sir .. I have said a lot but it is not wrong .. but if you feel that way sir ..’ Vasudhara said bye and left.
However, Rishi’s words to Vasudhara and Vasudhara’s words to Rishi are very disturbed by Gurtochi. With that Vasudhara .. sends a voice message. ‘Sorry sir I do not mean to hurt you by talking .. Sorry if it feels wrong ..’ Rishi, however, points out to see the message as usual. ‘Sorry to say .. What is put? Let’s see, ‘he says. But in the end he looks down. With that, Vasudhara .. The scene where he thinks ‘Don’t look and give a reply’ is very good. (But then Rishi Pedananna and Paddamma will come to Rishi’s room.
The next morning, Rishi’s uncle and grandmother Devyani are drinking coffee. She says to her husband for a while, ‘I will call Vasudhara .. tell her to come’. Calling Sanju .. Vasudhara should be given a phone call. ‘I am talking to God ..’ That is, Vasudhara says bluntly .. ‘Tell Meera’. ‘Anju should come to tell tuition to Sanju. When I go to college, I go home ‘says Devyani harshly. ‘I’m not as lazy as you say, madam .. I have done my job ..’ says Vasudhara just as angrily. ‘But will it come?’ Devayani is burning. ‘I said come now ..’ says Vasudhara. ‘When will you come again ??’ Says Devyani. ‘When will it come .. I will think about it later when I can ..’ Vasudhara cuts off the phone. Just then the Rishi descends. When the Rishi heard the swearing, he said, ‘Smoke, smoke, smoke ..’ Says. ‘Anyone else that Vasudhara?’ Devyani is disgusted.
‘Did he call you?’ Says Rishi shockingly. ‘I called her myself ..’ says Devyani. ‘Why did you call him, Grandma .. Do you know about his smirk, Grandma ..’ says Rishi. ‘O pose if we want to talk about children’s education. Cheechee .. how can he not look at that world? Chee .. a girl studying in our college has not counted on us. What more shame can there be .. ‘she said and left exhausted. With that the Rishi became angry .. ‘It seems to be a good habit to speak as if it came from the mouth ..’ he thinks in his mind.
If you are reading the paper with the same anger .. Vasudhare also appears in the paper. Meanwhile, the Rishi brought their coffee .. Vadina .. ‘What is the life of Vadina? Is life what we live or not? Don’t we know the value of bonds and attachments? ‘ Says Rishi suspiciously. ‘What happened Rishi ..?’ She asks. ‘If someone asks me .. please don’t ask who .. is our bungalow, is our status anything more than that?’ Says the Rishi. With that she laughed .. ‘Rishi cement, stones, bricks, wood are all piled up in one place and they are called by their name .. If they are all named in one way it is called house. Life is the same Rishi. All must be seen together in balance. Difficulties, tears, loves, attachments should all be increased Rishi .. There may be pleasure in dining well in a big hotel with ten people .. But in a cramped room, there will be pleasure in sitting together and laughing and eating Rishi ‘says Rishi listening. Let’s see more details in the next part! ‘Guppedanta mind’ continues.