Pune. A helicopter crashed on Saturday amid heavy rains in Pune, Maharashtra, injuring four people including the pilot. The helicopter was going from Mumbai to Hyderabad. According to initial reports, all four passengers are safe but have been injured.
According to a report, a private helicopter of a private aviation company crashed near Paud village in Pune district while going from Mumbai to Hyderabad. There were four passengers on board the helicopter. According to SP Pankaj Deshmukh of Pune Rural Police, the pilot has sustained injuries and has been admitted to the hospital, while the three other passengers are stable.
Officials are currently assessing the situation and investigation is underway, further details are awaited. This accident happened in Paud village of Pune. At present, the reason for the helicopter crash is not known. However, initial investigation suggests a technical fault.
The weather in Pune is also not good due to rain. It is feared that the helicopter may crash due to this. The helicopter is said to be of Global Company. Currently, a team is present at the spot for relief and rescue work; debris is scattered at the place where the helicopter crashed. Let us tell you that the helicopter was being operated by Global Vectra Helicorp.