Siddharthnagar. On one hand, in Uttar Pradesh, exaggerated claims are made about pothole-free roads, but as soon as the rainy season arrives, all these claims go in vain. The latest case that exposes these baseless claims is that of Nagar Panchayat Itwa of Siddharthnagar; where school children go to school through dirty water.
Actually, a video of Ward No. 3 Ambedkar Nagar of Nagar Panchayat Itwa is going viral on social media these days. Seeing this video, it seems that Nagar Panchayat Itwa of Siddharthnagar has become a “hell panchayat”. As soon as the rain starts here, dirty water fills the main road of the village.
This dirty water has become a cause of trouble for Ward No. 3 Ambedkar Nagar. School children are forced to go to school through this dirty water. If sources are to be believed, the local people have also complained about this to the Nagar Panchayat President (Itwa), but even after that the problem of waterlogging is not getting resolved.
However, the video that is going viral on social media is said to be of yesterday. In this viral video, the whole truth of the development of Nagar Panchayat Itwa is coming out. This video has exposed the claims of development of Nagar Panchayat Itwa.
(Report- Deep Yadav, Siddharth Nagar)