New Delhi. The Election Commission today announced the dates for the assembly elections to be held in Jammu and Kashmir and Haryana. The commission recently visited Jammu and Kashmir and Haryana to take stock of the election preparations. Voting will be held in three phases in Jammu and Kashmir and in one phase in Haryana.
The results of the assembly elections will be declared on October 4. Assembly elections will be held in Haryana in a single phase. Voting will be held on 90 assembly seats of the state on October 1. The results will be declared on October 4. On the other hand, elections are going to be held for the first time after the removal of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir. Recently, the commission’s team also visited the valley.
Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar said that the voter list of Jammu and Kashmir will be released on August 20. Assembly elections will be held in three phases in Jammu and Kashmir. Voting for the first phase will be held on September 18. The second phase of elections will be held on September 25. The third phase of elections will be held on October 1. The results of Jammu and Kashmir will be declared on October 4. Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar said that this is the second phase after the Lok Sabha elections. He said that the Lok Sabha elections were held very peacefully, which was discussed all over the world.
Let us tell you that the assembly elections of Maharashtra have not been announced yet. There was a possibility that Maharashtra elections could be held along with Jammu-Kashmir and Haryana. On the other hand, after the announcement of assembly elections, BJP leader Anil Vij said that it is a good thing that elections will be held in Haryana on October 1. Our party and workers are ready to contest the elections.