Nicola Porcella, former reality show contestant in Peru, currently enjoys great popularity in Mexico thanks to his participation in the program ‘The house of the famous’ However, a recent controversy has marred his success. He expressed his annoyance at the program ‘America Today’ for disclosing details about his luxury goods, such as watches and cars.
Along those lines, the driver Janet Barboza came forward to defend the morning show and harshly responded to the former member of ‘Esto es guerra’ for criticizing the aforementioned show.
Janet Barboza responds to Nicola Porcella
Presenter Janet Barboza was quick to respond to the criticism of Nicola Porcella During the recent broadcast of ‘América hoy’, the presenter questioned the reaction of the former contestant and accused him of playing the victim to gain sympathy. “He has a stormy past and suddenly they start to cover themselves with a cloak of sanctity. Now he plays the victim because it works, if people shed a tear they take your side,” she said.
Janet Barboza defended the program ‘America Today’. Photo: America TV
Likewise, ‘Rulitos’ pointed out that the model is not prepared for success and that he is only taking advantage of his “five minutes” of fame in Mexico. He also stressed that the program’s report was not intended to harm him, but to highlight the success of several Peruvians abroad.I hope you stay in Mexico and don’t return to Peru. “He added, emphasizing that it was he himself who sent Rafael Cardoso a photo of a Rolex he had purchased, which contradicts his statements.
Nicola Porcella criticized ‘America Today’
In a live broadcast with Wendy Guevara Nicola Porcella was visibly upset by the exposure of his personal life on ‘America Today’. According to the former reality show boy, the show overstepped its boundaries by revealing the cost of his watches and cars, which caused alarm in his family. “They’re going too far, Wendy, what do they care about what I spend on watches, they set prices, they set everything and my family obviously calls me scared,” he said indignantly.
Porcella stressed that many of the items mentioned in the show are not her property, but rather loaned by brands she collaborates with for specific events. Wendy Guevara backed up this claim, pointing out that such practices are common in the entertainment world and warned about the potential repercussions of spreading inaccurate information.
What did ‘America Today’ reveal about Nicola Porcella?
The program ‘America Today’ hosted a segment discussing Nicola Porcella’s drastic lifestyle change following his success in Mexico. According to fashion expert George Rubin, the Peruvian went from wearing knockoffs to designer clothing and accessories, reflecting his rise in the entertainment world. Rubin detailed that the cost of the ‘Mexican Boyfriend’ sneakers now ranges from S/5,500 to US$10,000, and are available in select markets in Mexico, Europe and the United States.