The performance of the Peruvian Janick Maceta in the Miss Universe 2021 pageant did not go unnoticed. His name is already a trend on social networks. Both his followers and national and foreign artists praised his great work to reach the final stages.
Among those who congratulated her are characters from music, fashion and television. Wendy Sulca, for example, dedicated a few words to the candidates who reached the first three places: “Congratulations to Andrea Meza from Mexico, Julia Gama from Brazil for second place and, of course, also to my compatriot Janick Maceta for third place! Long live Latin America! “he wrote on Twitter.
Artists wrote their congratulations through social networks. Photo: Instagram
For their part, the models Macarena Vélez, Diana Sánchez, María José Lora and the Brazilian Carol Reali highlighted their efforts on Instagram. “Thank you for leaving the name of Peru so high,” were Lora’s words. “Fabulous. For me it was the winner “Sánchez wrote. “What happiness, you are spectacular”, dedicated Vélez.
Similarly, fashion designer Genaro Rivas joined in the praise. “Thank you for giving everything! You are worth a Peru!”, Read the comments.
Janick Maceta, latest news
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