John Kelvin would spend a long time in prison due to the assault charge imposed by his wife Dalia Durán. Lawyers have ruled on the case, indicating what the future of the singer could be if he is found guilty.
The cumbiambero is currently in the San Miguel police station, after being detained by law enforcement agents who raided his home on the morning of July 5.
On everyone’s lips, he consulted the lawyer Katty Cachay, who cleared up doubts about the extension of the sentence that the singer would receive in the coming days.
“The legal analysis will depend a lot on what gives the physical results that Dalia (Durán) has gone through. We are talking about a serious injury, as a wife, we would be talking about a prison of up to twelve years “, he specified in communication with the program.
According to the legal specialist, the fact that John Kelvin has engaged in violent behavior against a member of his family environment is already considered an aggravating factor in the complaint, which would modify the judges’ ruling.
“It is a very serious crime, because it is one thing, maybe it will sound a little bad, to attack a person on the street, and another to attack your wife. The assault on a family member is aggravated assault and John Kelvin could stay in jail for approximately six to twelve years, ”he added.
However, the accusation of rape that Dalia Durán also mentioned in an interview with Magaly Medina, which she was dissuaded from presenting by the prosecutor in charge of her case, has not been considered.
John Kelvin, latest news:
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