A complaint has been filed for alleged fraud against the renowned athlete Jonathan Maicelo. However, the boxer has come out to categorically deny any involvement in the aforementioned business, ensuring that he has no relationship with it. What is behind these accusations and what is the truth about the situation? Find out in the following note, in which we will explore the details of the complaint and Maicelo’s statements in his defense.
Why is Jonathan Maicelo denounced?
On Wednesday, May 22, Magaly Medina reported that a Peruvian businessman had bought a franchise of the restaurant Ceviche Time by Maicelo in New Jersey, supposedly offered by Jonathan Maicelo. Along these lines, businessman Vladimir Allende stated that he even spoke with the boxer.
However, the establishment did not have the necessary licenses, including the license to sell liquor, and accumulated debts with the main suppliers, which forced the businessman to close it. Now, The businessman demands his money back, but Maicelo denies having any relationship with the business.

What did the complainant, businessman Vladimir Allende, say?
According to the program ‘Magaly TV’, The businessman stated that the drama began in December after the announcement of the sale of a bar restaurant on a website. Immediately, she contacted Luis Barrios, who, according to Vladimir Allendetold him that the business belonged to Maicelo. It can be seen that Maicelo appears in an advertisement, mentioning that Luis Barrios answers calls to give more confidence.
About, Vladimir Allende declared: “Maicelo is a r***to return the money to me as soon as possible, to stop being a scammer.” He also indicated: “They have defrauded us of a large amountat this moment Maicelo does not want to respond with the money.”

Jonathan Maicelo, Peruvian boxer. Photo: atv capture

What did Jonathan Maicelo respond to the complaint?
In this regard, the athlete stated that in the United States he only has a tourist visa, which prevents him from starting a business there. MaiceloHe insisted that the complaint is false, since that should appear in the corresponding document. Furthermore, he stressed that it is a “handmade letter.” “In the United States I only have a visa as a tourist, a tourist cannot have a business,” Maicelo said.

Jonathan Maicelo is denounced for alleged fraud in the United States. Photo: diffusion

Does Jonathan Maicelo have other complaints?
In this regard, Jonathan Maicelo has faced several complaints and controversies throughout his career. Recently, he has been accused of physical and psychological assault by Samantha Batallanos. According to the complaint, Batallanos stated that Maicelo slapped him and punched him in the eye. This would be the fourth time he has accused him of violence. Besides, Maicelohas had other controversial incidents in the past. In 2017, had a physical altercation with boxer David ‘Pantera’ Zegarra, which has maintained a rivalry between the two for years. He has also been reported for violence against an elderly woman.