Yiddá Eslava and Julián Zucchi continue in the eye of the storm. After noting that they had ended their 11-year relationship peacefully, the former couple reported on many discomforts they experienced during their romance that began on the set of ‘Combate’. Now, with two children in common and a de facto union, Julián and Yiddá must come to an agreement in order to distribute the patrimonial assets that they consigned during the years they were together.
What were the earnings figures for the films by Julián Zucchi and Yiddá Eslava?
Julián Zucchi and Yiddá EslavaThey decided to open a production company, ‘Wallaz’, which gave them their first film production, ‘Yes, my love’, in 2020. This film achieved success in Peru. Subsequently, any citizen in the country and abroad could enjoy the film, since it was released through the Netflix platform.
The production brought them a profit of US$800,000, and they decided to invest in the real estate sector. Then came the sequel to the aforementioned film, ‘Shall We Get Married? Yes, my love!’, which, unlike the first film, made them a profit of US$290,000. Later, they opted for a different theme, which is why they produced the film ‘I am innocent’, with profits of US$100,000.
Finally, the last film of the sequel, ‘Now Are We 3? Yes, my love’, hit the cinema at the beginning of this year and, to date, has recorded a profit of US$290,000.
What are the properties that Julián Zucchi and Yiddá Eslava own?
The figures explained above were replicated by Magaly Medina in his program ‘Magaly TV, la firma’, where he explained how and how much the large figures obtained with his film productions were reinvested.
In the last quarter of 2020, the couple acquired two lots on Zorritos beach, in Tumbes. According to the architect Tatiana Carolina Pinto, consulted by the popular ‘Urraca’ program, these spaces would have had the cost of US$50,000.
In 2021, Zucchi and Eslava bought two apartments in Magdalena. The first, with 145.50 m², has a value of US$174,480. The second, located on the fifteenth floor plus roof terrace and parking, is worth US$241,180.
Finally, in 2022, both acquired two apartments again, but in the San Miguel district. The first space is located on the eighth floor of an apartment, and has parking and storage. Its value is US$97,665.
The second is in a building adjacent to the first, and it has 41.26 m² and has a value of US$61,477.
Julián Zucchi and Yiddá Eslava spent approximately US$ 624,802 on apartments alone, which, at the current exchange rate, amounts to more than S/ 2,300,500.00 (two million, three hundred thousand five hundred soles). Now, both must reconcile with the corresponding entities to agree on the future and/or distribution of those properties. At the end of this note, neither Julián nor Yiddá have declared on this issue.