On Thursday, June 27, Magaly Medina He launched harsh criticism against the program ‘Préndete’, directed by Karla Tarazona and her ex-partner Christian Domínguez. According to ‘La Urraca’, the program barely reaches 0.2 rating points, ranking 133rd in the general ranking. However, Tarazona was quick to respond and question Medina’s obsession with her show.
What did Magaly Medina say about Karla Tarazona’s program?
Magaly Medinaknown for her direct and critical style, did not skimp on negative comments towards the program ‘Préndete’. In her television space, the ‘Urraca’ stated that the program Karla Tarazona and Christian Dominguez It has no public support, pointing out that it only reaches 0.2 rating points. “So that they don’t say that I speak without proof, I started to review the ratings and the program ‘Préndete’, which is the program where that soap opera lives. Panamericana encourages this cheap, easy soap opera, which Domínguez presents to us with Karla Tarazona. And so that you can see the level of public rejection of that program, it is in 133rd place in the general ranking with 0.2 points. You know that 0.0 is a total disqualification, right? 0.2.”, said Medina.
In addition, Medina compared the rating of ‘Préndete’ with that of ‘Todo se filtra’, hosted by Kurt Villavicencio on the same channel. According to the journalist, Villavicencio’s program, known as ‘Metiche’, reaches 1.3 rating points, ranking 66th. “And do you know how much Kurt has with his program ‘Todo se filtra’? He is in 66th place, he makes 1.3. In 66th place in the ranking and Domínguez with Tarazona is in 133rd place. Sixty places lower. Imagine,” Medina said.

Karla Tarazona’s response to Magaly Medina
In the face of such harsh criticism, Karla Tarazona She decided to respond and defend her work on ‘Préndete’. In an interview with Trome, the Panamericana Televisión host expressed her surprise at the attention Medina devotes to her program. “I don’t watch her program (Magaly’s), but I don’t care what she says. How can I explain… she gives us so much importance, she dedicates a program to us and I don’t understand how she says that they don’t watch us,” said Tarazona.
Tarazona also highlighted that, despite the criticism, Medina continues to use content about her and Christian Domínguez on her show. According to the host, this shows that her presence on television is still relevant. “What can I say… she rants at us, but she often makes content for her show. So, it’s a kind of love and hate because if we weren’t useful to her, she wouldn’t even look at us, but it seems that we are effective. It’s simple, what’s useful to you, you watch it, what’s not… you don’t even watch it. That’s how television is in Peru. One day she speaks well, another day she speaks badly and another she insults. We already know how she is, but she still uses us,” added Tarazona.
In addition, Karla Tarazona made it clear that she has no interest in appearing on Magaly Medina’s show and that she would not agree to an interview with ‘La Urraca’. “It is clear that I would not sit down with her, if she wants her to fight with me, but I do not have time for that,” said the host.