Karol G, in the middle of promoting his new album KG0516, has made an unexpected revelation. As he said, a year ago he asked Shakira to record a song together, but the Barranquilla star would have rejected that opportunity.
The interpreter of “Tusa” explained that at the time the desired collaboration could not be given, and far from being disappointed in her colleague and compatriot, she assured that it is understandable that she has other projects in mind and that, for one reason or another, the duet cannot be given.
The reasons why Shakira would have rejected the request for Karol G, but this has not been a reason for the urban music singer to discard her dream of doing a duet with one of the most admired artists.
“Let’s see what happens, I’m not saying no, I’m not saying yes either. If a song arrives that in my opinion is for Shakira, I will knock on the door again, if it is not given, however I want, my respect and admiration are infinite, because in addition to being a great woman in the world, she is from my country, It represents my house, it taught us that everything was possible ”, explained the singer.
It should be noted that Karol G has positioned itself as one of the most important urban female voices of the moment. Her latest album KG0516 released in March this year is considered the most successful production by a Spanish-speaking artist worldwide on the streaming platform Spotify.
Karol G, latest news
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