Mumbai On the occasion of 15th August, three big movies were released at the box office. Stree-2 is dominating over Akshay Kumar’s ‘Khel-Khel Mein’ and John Abraham’s ‘Veda’. This movie also earned crores in pre-booking.
After this, it earned well at the box office on the first day. According to the report, Stree-2 collected Rs 25 crore on the sixth day of its release. This is the lowest collection of the film till date. Let us tell you that despite a 31.84 percent drop in revenue, ‘Stree-2’ has joined the Rs 250 crore club.
Let us tell you that fans liked the trailer of the film ‘Khel-Khel Mein’ very much, so people had a lot of expectations from the film. The film has earned Rs 5.05 crore on the first day of its release. On the second day, the film collected 2.05 crores, 3.1 crores, 3.85 crores and 2 crores. But in six days, the film has been able to earn only 17.15 crores.
‘Veda’ and ‘Khel Khel Mein’ have not crossed the 20 crore mark even after six days of release. Both the films overshadowed ‘Stree-2’. Just a week ago, the revenue of ‘Veda’ reached millions. The producers of these films have also suffered losses worth crores. John Abraham’s action-packed film ‘Veda’ was also praised by critics. The film had a good opening, but the audience did not like the film because of Stree-2 and Veda.