Kurt Villavicencio, host of the program ‘Everything leaks’, has made public his intention to reestablish his friendship with Karla Tarazona, his former set partner. In a recent interview, the presenter popularly known as ‘Metiche’ shared details about his past relationship with Tarazona and highlighted the importance she has in her life and her desire to overcome the differences that separated them.
Why did Kurt Villavicencio and Karla Tarazona distance themselves?
The Panamericana TV communicator revealed that, despite the conflicts that arose from comments made in the media environment, mainly around Christian Dominguez, his affection for Karla Tarazona remains intact. Likewise, she publicly apologized for her actions and words that may have affected her friend.
The relationship between Kurt Villavicencio and the host of ‘Préndete’ experienced tensions after he made comments on ‘Magaly TV, la firma’, in which he suggested that Tarazona and Christian Domínguez had more than a parental relationship, which caused discomfort in the aforementioned. Furthermore, ‘Metiche’ commented at another time that her friend had “invoiced” her situation with Isabel Acevedoand cumbiambero, which deepened the distance between them.
Does ‘Metiche’ want to recover Karla Tarazona’s friendship?
‘Metiche’ has clearly expressed his desire for reconciliation, with respect for the times and spaces of Karla Tarazona. He promised to wait until Karla’s birthday to attempt an approach and made clear her consideration for him.
“I wouldn’t like to lose Karla’s friendship, I love her very much, I miss her, we had a lot of complicity. And, yes, I understand that she is upset, I already apologized to her on ‘Magaly TV’, for saying that he billed with Soho with the Chabelita issue; “That was an excess on my part,” he declared to Trome.
Karla Tarazona and Kurt Villavicencio met on ‘Hello everyone’ on ATV. Photo: LR composition/Panamericana TV
“I understand that this is not the time to talk. I’ll wait until his birthday to do it, I hope he answers me. “I remember her children’s birthday, but I didn’t send her a direct message because I feel like she’s still mortified,” she said.
What did Kurt Villavicencio say about Christian Domínguez?
With respect to Christian DominguezVillavicencio expressed concern for Tarazona’s emotional well-being, especially given the difficult times she faced in the past.
“I hope she doesn’t suffer with him again, she had a very bad time when they were together,” commented Villavicencio, which makes evident her interest in her friend’s happiness, despite the complicated ties that unite them.
Did Karla Tarazona talk about her friendship with Kurt Villavicencio?
In a talk with Edson Dávila, on his YouTube channel ‘Edson pa que más’, Karla TarazonaHe shared that, although he previously saw ‘Metiche’ as a close friend, now he does not consider him that way. This change in perception is due to certain comments that ‘Metiche’ made about his personal life.
“The relationship with Kurt is complex. (…) I know him outside the public sphere and It really hit me when he made those comments. At that moment I thought: ‘If a friend acts like this, I’d rather have enemies.’“he initially explained.