The romance between Alex Brocca and Ernesto Pimentel continues to be a hot topic among the public. However, the hopes of those who wanted to hear the much-mentioned interview between the dancer and Magaly Medina would be fading after Rodrigo González revealed that it is very likely that this material will not be broadcast on any television channel.
What did Rodrigo González say about the missing interview between Alex Brocca and Magaly Medina?
It all started when Magaly Medinahost of ‘Magaly TV, the firm’stated that the interview with Alex BroccaIt took place during his time on the Latina channel, so he couldn’t access them. For this reason, the pertinent files remained protected in their registry, showing no signs of being disseminated. This decision raises the question: why is Latina so reluctant to make this interview public?
The program ‘Amor y fuego’ shed some light on this matter by reporting that Latina took measures to prevent the transmission of any images related to Alex Brocca in interviews conducted at her facilities. And not only thatbut they sent notarized letters to the television channels to make their position on the issue clear.
“We would like to tell you more things and put more material, but those from Latina are desperate. They have gone crazy sending letters and calling. It is prohibited, it is exclusive content, they do not want to pass on the topic. It is Gustavo Gómez, the one who has this objective ( …) It is strictly prohibited”Rodrigo González said in the latest edition of ‘Amor y fuego’.
In addition to this, ‘Peluchín’ was emphatic in saying that they have not only restricted this information to the Willax TV program, but also to any other show on the small screen.
“They have banned us, they have banned Magaly, they have banned Panamericana, everyone. (…) How strange. Aren’t they protecting themselves? Everyone on the channel has been told that if it leaks, “They are going to investigate who did it, they are going to find the person responsible and they are going to face consequences,”González pointed out.
Did Magaly Medina interview Alex Brocca days before he died?
Magaly Medina began her show program on April 17 in which she showed an exclusive interview conducted by her magazine with Alex Brocca, who was Ernesto Pimentel’s romantic partner, days before the latter died.
“We found in my archive, from Magaly TV magazine, the interview that one of my reporters and editor at that time, Jhovert Guevara, did with Alex Brocca (…) This is the edition published on September 15, 2004 ( …) It occurred days before he died on September 29, 2004 at the age of 39, in the San José hospital.mentioned the presenter.