In a recent interview on the program ‘Préndete’, Luigui Carbajal former member of the famous group Skandalo responded to the accusations made by Roly Ortiz, creator of the band. Ortiz claimed that Carbajal deceived his partner Ricky Trevitazo for two years about the amounts he earned from his performances. Carbajal, without falling into direct confrontations, defended himself firmly and issued a warning to Ortiz, while reaffirming his affection for Trevitazo.
Carbajal was forceful when referring to Ortiz’s statements: “Let him review his contract. Everything he has said is going to have to be demonstrated, what he has pointed out is very delicate.” In addition, he pointed out that the problems with Ricky Trevitazo have no relationship with Roly Ortiz, who has been away from them for years. “It’s an issue between Ricky and me. “Roly has been alien to us for many years,” he pointed out.
Luigui Carbajal and his defense against the accusations
Luigui Carbajal made it clear that he will not allow his name to be tarnished by claims that he considers unfounded and that, if necessary, he will take legal action. “If someone starts making accusations against me, I am going to go out and defend myself, but legally,” said the singer. Furthermore, he explained that the differences in profits are due to the investments made in the shows: “When one makes an investment in an event, whoever invests economically has to make a profit. There are people who have not invested a single penny. You have to be very careful with that. Nobody is going to invest and not earn anything.”
Regarding his relationship with Ricky Trevitazo Luigui Carbajal highlighted that, despite the differences, he still maintains affection for his former teammate. “I still have affection for him, it’s not that affection has gone away overnight. “I prefer to stay out of it,” he declared. Likewise, he clarified that his problems with Trevitazo have nothing to do with Roly Ortiz thus minimizing the role of the latter in the group’s internal disagreements.