In a recent episode of the show ‘Magaly TV, the firm’ the host Magaly Medina did not remain silent in the face of the statements of Erick Delgado, who expressed his admiration for the journalist Ely Yutronic. The words of the former goalkeeper did not go unnoticed, and the ‘Magpie ‘ took the opportunity to make fun of both his partner and the former footballer on his television show.
What did Magaly Medina say about Erick Delgado and Ely Yutronic?
Magaly Medina known for her controversial and direct style, dedicated a section of her program to comment on the statements of Erick Delgado . The latter had expressed his surprise and admiration at seeing Ely Yutronic in person. The ATV presenter recalled her channel colleague’s past, mentioning her time as a bikini dancer, which she used as material for her sarcastic comments.
“What do you want, for me to introduce you to her? Did he tell you to make friends with your coworker because he wants to meet you too? I don’t know what has impacted you more, whether it was the images you saw on our show or seeing you in a tailor shop,” Magaly Medina commented.
The ‘Urraca’, with her mocking tone, continued saying: “I don’t know what has struck him the most, I think there is an ambivalence in him, he doesn’t know which of the two to choose. Or when he saw her in a suit he imagined her in the tube.” Medina concluded his comments with laughter, reminding viewers of his partner’s past as a dancer on foreign television shows.
What did Erick Delgado say about Ely Yutronic?
Erick Delgado, For his part, he had expressed his admiration for Ely Yutronic during a broadcast on his YouTube channel. “First time I see Paco’s partner (Bazán). We finished the program and she just came out. She’s pretty, I hadn’t noticed, you can see her in a serious suit,” said the former goalkeeper.
The former footballer also mentioned his discontent with the fact that Yutronic was shown dancing in a bikini on Magaly Medina’s show, saying: “When they showed her dancing, they ended up killing her, that’s not right, what abuse, but it was clear that she had a good figure. I told him ‘Paco, please, make friends with your coworker’.”
Magaly Medina and her harsh comments about Ely Yutronic and Erick Delgado
Statements by Erick Delgado: Erick Delgado expressed his admiration for journalist Ely Yutronic, highlighting his surprise at seeing her in person and commenting on her appearance both in a suit and in her images dancing in a bikini.
Magaly Medina’s taunts: Magaly Medina took advantage of Delgado’s statements to make sarcastic comments about Yutronic and Delgado on her show “Magaly TV La Firme”, suggesting that Delgado might be interested in getting to know Yutronic better.
Delgado’s reaction to Yutronic’s images: Delgado mentioned her dissatisfaction with the way Yutronic was shown dancing in a bikini, calling this an abuse and expressing that she has a good figure.
Context of the Medina program: Magaly Medina’s show is known for its controversial style and ability to generate headlines, using everyday situations to create entertaining and controversial segments.
Program achievements: Medina recalled that his show helped Paco Bazán reach 100,000 followers on his YouTube channel, which led to Jefferson Farfán inviting him to his podcast, resolving some recent conflicts between them.